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What I Did & What I Got & It’s Week 14 Already

Last week was a total holy shit week. 1 box of large tomatoes, 1 box of cherry tomatoes, 1 box of potatoes, 4 squash, 2 cucumbers, 6-ish tomatillos, 4 hot peppers, 4 sweet peppers, 4 onions, 1 watermelon, 2 eggplant, 1 dozen eggs.

This week was pretty decent as well. 4 onions, 1 box of potatoes, 1 box of cherry tomatoes, 2 bell peppers, 1 head of garlic, 1 bunch of scallions, 4 squash, 3 cucumbers, 1 dozen eggs, 1 goddamn bush of edamame which will go to a friend to save me from soy-induced migraines.

The last few weeks have been much the same eating-wise. Lots of pizza. Zucchini fritters and breakfast for dinner at every opportunity. The last of the cucumbers and cantaloupe that were still hanging out last week became some awfully delicious infused vodkas. I’m tempted to do the same with the remainder of last week’s watermelon. Half the tomatillos and hot peppers went into curry and the other half into chilli.

It might be because we’ve been at this for so long now (we’re more than two-thirds of the way through the season) or it might be because we’ve settled into lots of the sort of stuff I gravitate towards when I’m choosing my own produce, but lately I’m doing less coming up with fun new stuff to eat and more of making my stand-bys. We’re getting less stuff that has to be refrigerated, too, so it’s been easy to skip the photo step since I don’t need to sort everything out on the counter first. But I’m still in love with all my wonderful food and still think Thursday is the most exciting day of the week.

Once more, I’m taking part in the CSA link party hosted by In Her Chucks. I lurve it. Tons of great ideas every week on what to do with your CSA bounty. You all should check it out.


8 thoughts on “What I Did & What I Got & It’s Week 14 Already

  1. I am always intrigued by this veggies in a box thing but never tried. We already have farmer’s market every week at arm’s length so that might be the reason and the stuff they send seems so random sometimes. I am a comfort cooker, I tend to cook things I like over and over.


    1. I tend to want to make the same things over and over, too. One of the reasons I wanted to sign up for this type of program was to have no excuse not to try something new. I wanted to come home with 5 lbs of something I’d never eaten before and have to figure out what to do with it. It’s been fun. There are some good farmer’s markets nearby, but none as convenient as the farm shares I’ve signed up for, so overall it’s working out for me, but it depends on what you like. If the program isn’t going to give you what you like to cook, then it wouldn’t be worth it.


    1. I’ve read conflicting stuff about what the soy-migraine link even is – some say MSG, some say tyramine, while I would have assumed it had to do with the similarities to estrogen. I know that when I cut soy products out of my diet, the low-grade migraine I’d had for months went away immediately. Most of what I’ve read does refer only to processed soy. For now, I’m avoiding all soy, at least until I’ve read more about it and have time to experiment with my diet.


    1. Infused vodkas are the best, and so easy to make! You basically just stick the thing you want it to taste like in a jar (removing peels/seeds if appropriate), cover it with vodka, throw it in the fridge and wait a week or two.


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